TB to TiB Conversion

Please enter the terabytes (TB) value to convert to tebibytes (TiB).

Terabytes to Tebibytes
1 TB = 0.90949470177293 TiB

How many Tebibytes in a Terabyte

1 Terabyte is equal to (1012 / 240) tebibytes.

There are 0.90949470177293 tebibytes in a Terabyte.
1 TB = 0.90949470177293 TiB

TB: unit symbol of Terabyte
TiB: unit symbol of Tebibyte

Terabytes (TB)Tebibytes (TiB)
1012 bytes240 bytes
1,000,000,000,000 bytes1,099,511,627,776 bytes
1,000,000,000,000 × 8 bits1,099,511,627,776 × 8 bits
8,000,000,000,000 bits8,796,093,022,208 bits


Terabyte (TB) is a digital information measurement unit which is going to be extensively used in the nearest future for measuring the size of computer RAM, etc., but now it is used for measuring the amount of digital information in online libraries, digital archives, and so on. 1 terabyte is equal to 1000 gigabytes, or 1012 bytes. However, in terms of information technology or computer science, 1 TB is 240 or 10244 bytes, which is equal to 1,099,511,627,776 bytes.

Terabyte is the unit of data with SI decimal prefix Tera.

                Tera = 1012
1 Terabyte = 1012 bytes
1 Terabyte = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes

SI: The International System of Units.


Tebibyte is the unit of data with IEC binary prefix Tebi.

                Tebi = 2401 Tebibyte = 240 bytes
1 Tebibyte = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes

IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission.

How to Calculate Terabytes to Tebibytes

        Tera is the SI decimal prefix equal to 1012
1 Terabyte = 1012 bytes
1 Terabyte = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes
        Tebi is the IEC binary prefix equal to 240
1 Tebibyte = 240 bytes
1 Tebibyte = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes
1 byte = 1 Tebibyte / 1,099,511,627,7761 Terabyte = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes
1 Terabyte = 1,000,000,000,000 × (Tebibytes / 1,099,511,627,776)
1 Terabyte = 0.90949470177293 Tebibytes    

Terabytes to Tebibytes Conversion Table

Terabytes (TB) Tebibytes (TiB)
1 TB0.90949470177293 TiB
2 TB1.8189894035459 TiB
3 TB2.7284841053188 TiB
4 TB3.6379788070917 TiB
5 TB4.5474735088646 TiB
6 TB5.4569682106376 TiB
7 TB6.3664629124105 TiB
8 TB7.2759576141834 TiB
9 TB8.1854523159564 TiB
10 TB9.0949470177293 TiB
11 TB10.004441719502 TiB
12 TB10.913936421275 TiB
13 TB11.823431123048 TiB
14 TB12.732925824821 TiB
15 TB13.642420526594 TiB
16 TB14.551915228367 TiB
17 TB15.46140993014 TiB
18 TB16.370904631913 TiB
19 TB17.280399333686 TiB
20 TB18.189894035459 TiB
21 TB19.099388737231 TiB
22 TB20.008883439004 TiB
23 TB20.918378140777 TiB
24 TB21.82787284255 TiB
25 TB22.737367544323 TiB
26 TB23.646862246096 TiB
27 TB24.556356947869 TiB
28 TB25.465851649642 TiB
29 TB26.375346351415 TiB
30 TB27.284841053188 TiB
31 TB28.194335754961 TiB
32 TB29.103830456734 TiB
33 TB30.013325158507 TiB
34 TB30.92281986028 TiB
35 TB31.832314562052 TiB
36 TB32.741809263825 TiB
37 TB33.651303965598 TiB
38 TB34.560798667371 TiB
39 TB35.470293369144 TiB
40 TB36.379788070917 TiB
41 TB37.28928277269 TiB
42 TB38.198777474463 TiB
43 TB39.108272176236 TiB
44 TB40.017766878009 TiB
45 TB40.927261579782 TiB
46 TB41.836756281555 TiB
47 TB42.746250983328 TiB
48 TB43.655745685101 TiB
49 TB44.565240386873 TiB
50 TB45.474735088646 TiB
Terabytes (TB) Tebibytes (TiB)
51 TB46.384229790419 TiB
52 TB47.293724492192 TiB
53 TB48.203219193965 TiB
54 TB49.112713895738 TiB
55 TB50.022208597511 TiB
56 TB50.931703299284 TiB
57 TB51.841198001057 TiB
58 TB52.75069270283 TiB
59 TB53.660187404603 TiB
60 TB54.569682106376 TiB
61 TB55.479176808149 TiB
62 TB56.388671509922 TiB
63 TB57.298166211694 TiB
64 TB58.207660913467 TiB
65 TB59.11715561524 TiB
66 TB60.026650317013 TiB
67 TB60.936145018786 TiB
68 TB61.845639720559 TiB
69 TB62.755134422332 TiB
70 TB63.664629124105 TiB
71 TB64.574123825878 TiB
72 TB65.483618527651 TiB
73 TB66.393113229424 TiB
74 TB67.302607931197 TiB
75 TB68.21210263297 TiB
76 TB69.121597334743 TiB
77 TB70.031092036515 TiB
78 TB70.940586738288 TiB
79 TB71.850081440061 TiB
80 TB72.759576141834 TiB
81 TB73.669070843607 TiB
82 TB74.57856554538 TiB
83 TB75.488060247153 TiB
84 TB76.397554948926 TiB
85 TB77.307049650699 TiB
86 TB78.216544352472 TiB
87 TB79.126039054245 TiB
88 TB80.035533756018 TiB
89 TB80.945028457791 TiB
90 TB81.854523159564 TiB
91 TB82.764017861336 TiB
92 TB83.673512563109 TiB
93 TB84.583007264882 TiB
94 TB85.492501966655 TiB
95 TB86.401996668428 TiB
96 TB87.311491370201 TiB
97 TB88.220986071974 TiB
98 TB89.130480773747 TiB
99 TB90.03997547552 TiB
100 TB90.949470177293 TiB

Terabytes Converters