MiB to GB Conversion

Please enter the mebibytes (MiB) value to convert to gigabytes (GB).

Mebibytes to Gigabytes
1 MiB = 0.001048576 GB

How many Gigabytes in a Mebibyte

1 Mebibyte is equal to (220 / 109) gigabytes.

There are 0.001048576 gigabytes in a Mebibyte.
1 MiB = 0.001048576 GB

MiB: unit symbol of Mebibyte
GB: unit symbol of Gigabyte

Mebibytes (MiB)Gigabytes (GB)
220 bytes109 bytes
1,048,576 bytes1,000,000,000 bytes
1,048,576 × 8 bits1,000,000,000 × 8 bits
8,388,608 bits8,000,000,000 bits


Mebibyte is the unit of data with IEC binary prefix Mebi.

Mebi = 220
1 Mebibyte = 220 bytes
1 Mebibyte = 1,048,576 bytes

IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission.


Gigabyte (GB) is one of the most commonly used units of digital information which is equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes. However, in computer operating science, the value of 1 GB is considered to be equal to 230 or 10243 bytes which is equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes. GB is often used for indicating a size of memory or specifying a size of a movie, computer RAM, and so on. The maximum amount of information stored in a single layer DVD is usually close to 4.8 GB, and the maximum amount of information that can be stored in a single layer Blu-ray disc is equal to 25 GB.

Gigabyte is the unit of data with SI decimal prefix Giga.

Giga = 109
1 Gigabyte = 109 bytes
1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes

SI: The International System of Units.

Related Converters

How to Calculate Mebibytes to Gigabytes

Mebi is the IEC binary prefix equal to 220
1 Mebibyte = 220 bytes
1 Mebibyte = 1,048,576 bytes
Giga is the SI decimal prefix equal to 109
1 Gigabyte = 109 bytes
1 Gigabyte = 1,000,000,000 bytes
1 byte = 1 Gigabyte / 1,000,000,0001 Mebibyte = 1,048,576 bytes
1 Mebibyte = 1,048,576 × (Gigabytes / 1,000,000,000)
1 Mebibyte = 0.001048576 Gigabytes    

Mebibytes to Gigabytes Conversion Table

Mebibytes (MiB) Gigabytes (GB)
1 MiB0.001048576 GB
2 MiB0.002097152 GB
3 MiB0.003145728 GB
4 MiB0.004194304 GB
5 MiB0.00524288 GB
6 MiB0.006291456 GB
7 MiB0.007340032 GB
8 MiB0.008388608 GB
9 MiB0.009437184 GB
10 MiB0.01048576 GB
11 MiB0.011534336 GB
12 MiB0.012582912 GB
13 MiB0.013631488 GB
14 MiB0.014680064 GB
15 MiB0.01572864 GB
16 MiB0.016777216 GB
17 MiB0.017825792 GB
18 MiB0.018874368 GB
19 MiB0.019922944 GB
20 MiB0.02097152 GB
21 MiB0.022020096 GB
22 MiB0.023068672 GB
23 MiB0.024117248 GB
24 MiB0.025165824 GB
25 MiB0.0262144 GB
26 MiB0.027262976 GB
27 MiB0.028311552 GB
28 MiB0.029360128 GB
29 MiB0.030408704 GB
30 MiB0.03145728 GB
31 MiB0.032505856 GB
32 MiB0.033554432 GB
33 MiB0.034603008 GB
34 MiB0.035651584 GB
35 MiB0.03670016 GB
36 MiB0.037748736 GB
37 MiB0.038797312 GB
38 MiB0.039845888 GB
39 MiB0.040894464 GB
40 MiB0.04194304 GB
41 MiB0.042991616 GB
42 MiB0.044040192 GB
43 MiB0.045088768 GB
44 MiB0.046137344 GB
45 MiB0.04718592 GB
46 MiB0.048234496 GB
47 MiB0.049283072 GB
48 MiB0.050331648 GB
49 MiB0.051380224 GB
50 MiB0.0524288 GB
Mebibytes (MiB) Gigabytes (GB)
100 MiB0.1048576 GB
200 MiB0.2097152 GB
300 MiB0.3145728 GB
400 MiB0.4194304 GB
500 MiB0.524288 GB
600 MiB0.6291456 GB
700 MiB0.7340032 GB
800 MiB0.8388608 GB
900 MiB0.9437184 GB
1000 MiB1.048576 GB
1100 MiB1.1534336 GB
1200 MiB1.2582912 GB
1300 MiB1.3631488 GB
1400 MiB1.4680064 GB
1500 MiB1.572864 GB
1600 MiB1.6777216 GB
1700 MiB1.7825792 GB
1800 MiB1.8874368 GB
1900 MiB1.9922944 GB
2000 MiB2.097152 GB
2100 MiB2.2020096 GB
2200 MiB2.3068672 GB
2300 MiB2.4117248 GB
2400 MiB2.5165824 GB
2500 MiB2.62144 GB
2600 MiB2.7262976 GB
2700 MiB2.8311552 GB
2800 MiB2.9360128 GB
2900 MiB3.0408704 GB
3000 MiB3.145728 GB
3100 MiB3.2505856 GB
3200 MiB3.3554432 GB
3300 MiB3.4603008 GB
3400 MiB3.5651584 GB
3500 MiB3.670016 GB
3600 MiB3.7748736 GB
3700 MiB3.8797312 GB
3800 MiB3.9845888 GB
3900 MiB4.0894464 GB
4000 MiB4.194304 GB
4100 MiB4.2991616 GB
4200 MiB4.4040192 GB
4300 MiB4.5088768 GB
4400 MiB4.6137344 GB
4500 MiB4.718592 GB
4600 MiB4.8234496 GB
4700 MiB4.9283072 GB
4800 MiB5.0331648 GB
4900 MiB5.1380224 GB
5000 MiB5.24288 GB