KB to Bytes Conversion

Please enter the kilobytes (KB) value to convert to bytes (B).

Kilobytes to Bytes
1 KB = 1000 Bytes (in decimal)
1 KB = 1024 Bytes (in binary)

How many Bytes in a Kilobyte

1 Kilobyte is equal to 1000 bytes (decimal).
1 KB = 103 B in base 10 (SI).

1 Kilobyte is equal to 1024 bytes (binary).
1 KB = 210 B in base 2.

Difference Between KB and B

Kilobyte unit symbol is KB, Byte unit symbol is B.
Kilobyte is greater than Byte. KB has the prefix Kilo. Kilobyte is 1000 times bigger than Byte.

Kilobytes vs Bytes

Kilobytes (KB)Bytes (B)
103 bytes (base 10)100 bytes (base 10)
10001 bytes10000 bytes
1,000 bytes1 bytes
210 bytes (base 2)20 bytes (base 2)
1,024 bytes1 bytes
1,000 × 8 bits1 × 8 bits
8,000 bits8 bits


Kilobyte (KB) is a common measurement unit of digital information (including text, sound, graphic, video, and other sorts of information) that equals to 1000 bytes. In practical information technology, KB is actually equal to 210 bytes, which makes it equal to 1024 bytes. Decades ago, this unit used to be one of the most popular ones, but recently, since the volumes of information increased drastically, such unit as gigabyte has become more commonly used.

Kilobyte in SI and base 10 (decimal)
1 Kilobyte = 10001 bytes
1 Kilobyte = 1000 bytes
Kilobyte in base 2 (binary)
1 Kilobyte = 210 bytes
1 Kilobyte = 10241 bytes
1 Kilobyte = 1024 bytes


Byte is the basic unit of digital information transmission and storage, used extensively in information technology, digital technology, and other related fields. It is one of the smallest units of memory in computer technology, as well as one of the most basic data measurement units in programming. The earliest computers were made with the processor supporting 1 byte commands, because in 1 byte you can send 256 commands. 1 byte consists of 8 bits, which go together as one unit in storage, processing or transmission of digital information.

Byte is the base unit
1 Byte = 8 bits

KB to Bytes Conversion Table

Kilobytes (KB) Bytes (B) decimal Bytes (B) binary
1 KB1000 Bytes1024 Bytes
2 KB2000 Bytes2048 Bytes
3 KB3000 Bytes3072 Bytes
4 KB4000 Bytes4096 Bytes
5 KB5000 Bytes5120 Bytes
6 KB6000 Bytes6144 Bytes
7 KB7000 Bytes7168 Bytes
8 KB8000 Bytes8192 Bytes
9 KB9000 Bytes9216 Bytes
10 KB10000 Bytes10240 Bytes
11 KB11000 Bytes11264 Bytes
12 KB12000 Bytes12288 Bytes
13 KB13000 Bytes13312 Bytes
14 KB14000 Bytes14336 Bytes
15 KB15000 Bytes15360 Bytes
16 KB16000 Bytes16384 Bytes
17 KB17000 Bytes17408 Bytes
18 KB18000 Bytes18432 Bytes
19 KB19000 Bytes19456 Bytes
20 KB20000 Bytes20480 Bytes
21 KB21000 Bytes21504 Bytes
22 KB22000 Bytes22528 Bytes
23 KB23000 Bytes23552 Bytes
24 KB24000 Bytes24576 Bytes
25 KB25000 Bytes25600 Bytes
26 KB26000 Bytes26624 Bytes
27 KB27000 Bytes27648 Bytes
28 KB28000 Bytes28672 Bytes
29 KB29000 Bytes29696 Bytes
30 KB30000 Bytes30720 Bytes
31 KB31000 Bytes31744 Bytes
32 KB32000 Bytes32768 Bytes
33 KB33000 Bytes33792 Bytes
34 KB34000 Bytes34816 Bytes
35 KB35000 Bytes35840 Bytes
36 KB36000 Bytes36864 Bytes
37 KB37000 Bytes37888 Bytes
38 KB38000 Bytes38912 Bytes
39 KB39000 Bytes39936 Bytes
40 KB40000 Bytes40960 Bytes
41 KB41000 Bytes41984 Bytes
42 KB42000 Bytes43008 Bytes
43 KB43000 Bytes44032 Bytes
44 KB44000 Bytes45056 Bytes
45 KB45000 Bytes46080 Bytes
46 KB46000 Bytes47104 Bytes
47 KB47000 Bytes48128 Bytes
48 KB48000 Bytes49152 Bytes
49 KB49000 Bytes50176 Bytes
50 KB50000 Bytes51200 Bytes
51 KB51000 Bytes52224 Bytes
52 KB52000 Bytes53248 Bytes
53 KB53000 Bytes54272 Bytes
54 KB54000 Bytes55296 Bytes
55 KB55000 Bytes56320 Bytes
56 KB56000 Bytes57344 Bytes
57 KB57000 Bytes58368 Bytes
58 KB58000 Bytes59392 Bytes
59 KB59000 Bytes60416 Bytes
60 KB60000 Bytes61440 Bytes
61 KB61000 Bytes62464 Bytes
62 KB62000 Bytes63488 Bytes
63 KB63000 Bytes64512 Bytes
64 KB64000 Bytes65536 Bytes
65 KB65000 Bytes66560 Bytes
66 KB66000 Bytes67584 Bytes
67 KB67000 Bytes68608 Bytes
68 KB68000 Bytes69632 Bytes
69 KB69000 Bytes70656 Bytes
70 KB70000 Bytes71680 Bytes
71 KB71000 Bytes72704 Bytes
72 KB72000 Bytes73728 Bytes
73 KB73000 Bytes74752 Bytes
74 KB74000 Bytes75776 Bytes
75 KB75000 Bytes76800 Bytes
76 KB76000 Bytes77824 Bytes
77 KB77000 Bytes78848 Bytes
78 KB78000 Bytes79872 Bytes
79 KB79000 Bytes80896 Bytes
80 KB80000 Bytes81920 Bytes
81 KB81000 Bytes82944 Bytes
82 KB82000 Bytes83968 Bytes
83 KB83000 Bytes84992 Bytes
84 KB84000 Bytes86016 Bytes
85 KB85000 Bytes87040 Bytes
86 KB86000 Bytes88064 Bytes
87 KB87000 Bytes89088 Bytes
88 KB88000 Bytes90112 Bytes
89 KB89000 Bytes91136 Bytes
90 KB90000 Bytes92160 Bytes
91 KB91000 Bytes93184 Bytes
92 KB92000 Bytes94208 Bytes
93 KB93000 Bytes95232 Bytes
94 KB94000 Bytes96256 Bytes
95 KB95000 Bytes97280 Bytes
96 KB96000 Bytes98304 Bytes
97 KB97000 Bytes99328 Bytes
98 KB98000 Bytes100352 Bytes
99 KB99000 Bytes101376 Bytes
100 KB100000 Bytes102400 Bytes

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