Gbit to MB Conversion

Please enter the gigabits (Gbit) value to convert to megabytes (MB).

Gigabits to Megabytes
1 Gbit = 125 MB

How many Megabytes in a Gigabit

1 Gigabit is equal to (1/8) × 109-6 Megabytes.
1 Gigabit = (1/8) × 103 Megabytes.
1 Gigabit = (1/8) × 1000 Megabytes.
1 Gbit = 125 MB.

There are 125 Megabytes in a Gigabit.

Gigabits (Gbit)Megabytes (MB)
109 bits 106 × 8 bits
1,000,000,000 bits8,000,000 bits
(109 / 8) bytes 106 bytes
125000000 bytes1000000 bytes


Gigabit is a data information transfer or storage measurement unit, which is equal to 1,000,000,000 bits or 109 bits. Gigabit has a symbol of Gbit. This unit is commonly used to estimate local area network (LAN) connection speed or for measurement of data transfer between two nodes.

1 gigabit = 10003 bits
1 gigabit = 10003 × (1/(8×10002)) megabytes
1 gigabit = (1000/8) megabytes
1 Gbit = 125 MB


Megabyte (MB) is a unit of transferred or stored digital information, which is extensively used in information and computer technology. In SI, one megabyte is equal to 1,000,000 bytes. At the same time, practically 1 megabyte is used as 220 B, which means 1,048,576 bytes. Nowadays, the amount of information measured by megabytes is used for representing the size of a typical MP3 file, the size of a JPEG image, and so on.

1 megabyte = 10002 bytes
1 byte = 8 bit
1 megabyte = 8×10002 bits
1 bit = (1 / (8×10002)) MB

Gigabits to Megabytes Conversion Table

Gigabits (Gbit) Megabytes (MB)
1 Gbit125 MB
1.1 Gbit138 MB
1.2 Gbit150 MB
1.3 Gbit163 MB
1.4 Gbit175 MB
1.5 Gbit188 MB
1.6 Gbit200 MB
1.7 Gbit213 MB
1.8 Gbit225 MB
1.9 Gbit238 MB
2 Gbit250 MB
2.1 Gbit263 MB
2.2 Gbit275 MB
2.3 Gbit288 MB
2.4 Gbit300 MB
2.5 Gbit313 MB
2.6 Gbit325 MB
2.7 Gbit338 MB
2.8 Gbit350 MB
2.9 Gbit363 MB
3 Gbit375 MB
3.1 Gbit388 MB
3.2 Gbit400 MB
3.3 Gbit413 MB
3.4 Gbit425 MB
3.5 Gbit438 MB
3.6 Gbit450 MB
3.7 Gbit463 MB
3.8 Gbit475 MB
3.9 Gbit488 MB
Gigabits (Gbit) Megabytes (MB)
4 Gbit500 MB
5 Gbit625 MB
6 Gbit750 MB
7 Gbit875 MB
8 Gbit1,000 MB
9 Gbit1,125 MB
10 Gbit1,250 MB
11 Gbit1,375 MB
12 Gbit1,500 MB
13 Gbit1,625 MB
14 Gbit1,750 MB
15 Gbit1,875 MB
16 Gbit2,000 MB
17 Gbit2,125 MB
18 Gbit2,250 MB
19 Gbit2,375 MB
20 Gbit2,500 MB
21 Gbit2,625 MB
22 Gbit2,750 MB
23 Gbit2,875 MB
24 Gbit3,000 MB
25 Gbit3,125 MB
26 Gbit3,250 MB
27 Gbit3,375 MB
28 Gbit3,500 MB
29 Gbit3,625 MB
30 Gbit3,750 MB
31 Gbit3,875 MB
32 Gbit4,000 MB