Bits to Bytes Conversion

Convert bits to bytes. Please enter the bits value to convert to bytes (B).

Bits to Bytes Converter
1 bit = 0.125 Bytes

How many Bytes in a Bit

1 Bit is equal to (1/8) × 100-0 Bytes.
1 Bit = (1/8) × 100 Bytes.
1 Bit = (1/8) × 1 Bytes.
1 b = 0.125 B.

There are 0.125 Bytes in a Bit.

Bits (b)Bytes (B)
100 bits 100 × 8 bits
1 bits8 bits
(100 / 8) bytes 100 bytes
0.125 bytes1 bytes


Bit (b) is a measurement unit used in binary system to store or transmit data, like internet connection speed or the quality scale of an audio or a video recording. A bit is usually represented with a 0 or a 1. 8 bits make 1 byte. A bit can also be represented by other values like yes/no, true/false, plus/minus, and so on. A bit is one of the fundamental units used in computer technology, information technology, digital communication, as well as for storing, processing and transmitting various types of data.

1 bit = 10000 bits
1 bit = 1 × (1/8) bytes
1 bit = 0.125 bytes


Byte is the basic unit of digital information transmission and storage, used extensively in information technology, digital technology, and other related fields. It is one of the smallest units of memory in computer technology, as well as one of the most basic data measurement units in programming. The earliest computers were made with the processor supporting 1 byte commands, because in 1 byte you can send 256 commands. 1 byte consists of 8 bits, which go together as one unit in storage, processing or transmission of digital information.

1 byte = 8 bits
1 bit = (1/8) bytes

Bits to Bytes Conversion Table

Bits (b) Bytes (B)
1 bits0.125 Bytes
2 bits0.25 Bytes
3 bits0.375 Bytes
4 bits0.5 Bytes
5 bits0.625 Bytes
6 bits0.75 Bytes
7 bits0.875 Bytes
8 bits1 Bytes
9 bits1.125 Bytes
10 bits1.25 Bytes
11 bits1.375 Bytes
12 bits1.5 Bytes
13 bits1.625 Bytes
14 bits1.75 Bytes
15 bits1.875 Bytes
16 bits2 Bytes
17 bits2.125 Bytes
18 bits2.25 Bytes
19 bits2.375 Bytes
20 bits2.5 Bytes
21 bits2.625 Bytes
22 bits2.75 Bytes
23 bits2.875 Bytes
24 bits3 Bytes
25 bits3.125 Bytes
26 bits3.25 Bytes
27 bits3.375 Bytes
28 bits3.5 Bytes
29 bits3.625 Bytes
30 bits3.75 Bytes
31 bits3.875 Bytes
32 bits4 Bytes
33 bits4.125 Bytes
34 bits4.25 Bytes
35 bits4.375 Bytes
36 bits4.5 Bytes
37 bits4.625 Bytes
38 bits4.75 Bytes
39 bits4.875 Bytes
40 bits5 Bytes
Bits (b) Bytes (B)
41 bits5.125 Bytes
42 bits5.25 Bytes
43 bits5.375 Bytes
44 bits5.5 Bytes
45 bits5.625 Bytes
46 bits5.75 Bytes
47 bits5.875 Bytes
48 bits6 Bytes
49 bits6.125 Bytes
50 bits6.25 Bytes
51 bits6.375 Bytes
52 bits6.5 Bytes
53 bits6.625 Bytes
54 bits6.75 Bytes
55 bits6.875 Bytes
56 bits7 Bytes
57 bits7.125 Bytes
58 bits7.25 Bytes
59 bits7.375 Bytes
60 bits7.5 Bytes
61 bits7.625 Bytes
62 bits7.75 Bytes
63 bits7.875 Bytes
64 bits8 Bytes
65 bits8.125 Bytes
66 bits8.25 Bytes
67 bits8.375 Bytes
68 bits8.5 Bytes
69 bits8.625 Bytes
70 bits8.75 Bytes
71 bits8.875 Bytes
72 bits9 Bytes
73 bits9.125 Bytes
74 bits9.25 Bytes
75 bits9.375 Bytes
76 bits9.5 Bytes
77 bits9.625 Bytes
78 bits9.75 Bytes
79 bits9.875 Bytes
80 bits10 Bytes